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[HoE] Players in Harrisburg PA

Howdy Y'all,

I'm fixin' to leave the big city (Philadelphia) for some greener pastures out
west (Harrisburg) and I was wondering if there were any hombres kind enough to
let me in on some Deadlands (Weird or Wasted) action or interested startin'
some up.

I've marshalled Deadlands for about two years now and am really itchin' to
PLAY! I'll be moving in about two weeks but I don't know when I'll be
disconnecting my internet service so I though I'd get a jump on things by
making some contacts now.

I'd also be game (pun intended) for Brave New World, Legend of the Five Rings,
Seventh Sea, Earthdawn, Feng Shui, Call of Cthulhu, Shadowrun.....really
anything that isn't Palladium, White Wolf or D&D.

Thanks for your time,

R.Daniel Paddock