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Re: [HoE] House Rules

In a message dated 09/25/1999 12:57:17 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 
Fuzyn9feet@email.msn.com writes:

<< I had planned on the appropriate Reckoner side-kick coming to do some
 wup-a$$ (by the time they have 5 in a color they should be able to handle
 someone that big). As for how much grit they get so far the one with the
 most has a total of 6 all together (1 green, 1 red, 2 white and 2 yellow)
 after a year and some of play almost ever other weekend (six big bad guys).

   May I ask what you mean by the colored Grit chips?  I have just joined the 
list and have not seen this ruleing.  You can email directly to me if you 

Thank you
O.W. Jones Inventer and Gunsmith