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Re: [HoE] Blessed in Hell on Earth --it begins

> > It doesn't have to be Stone does it?   Maybe abominations and servitors in
> > general go after Blessed, since they are trying to bring hope back to HoE
> > (in a more obvious way than doomies and templers, who are probably secondary
> > targets.)
> The Reckoners would most likely take drastic steps to get rid of their
> strongest threats. I'd say they wouldn't stop with just Stone.

The thing is, if you wanted someone hunted by evil or Stone, the 5pt
hindrance isn't much of a help.  Heck, you could just have the player be a
vet of the weird west and give him hunted by Stone.  5pt for monster
magnet is pretty cool, but anything past extra trogs and wormlings is a
bit much.  I should know, my characters has badluck.  One combat with 4
baddies against myself and someone else equals 4 wounds to the guts, a
couple to the legs, etcs.