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Re: [HoE] typos

Ralph Dula wrote:
> Gee, between these comments and the letter I sent them on Law Dogs, I'm
> pretty sure the folks at PEG will be making a voodoo doll of me soon.

I don't think so. Like I said, PEG had gone out of their way to try and
fix their mistakes. The original rulebook has been reprinted how many
times? I'm sure if you ask PEG, they want to hear about any mistakes
they've made because they want to fix them as best they can. No company
wants to hear "your product sucks!" but I think if you approach it with
the attitude that you want to see them put out the best quality products
as much as they do, I don't think they can complain too much.

(Law Dogs didn't seem to bad to me... Steve did a lot of good research
on that one, or at least that was the impression I got. It was one of
the most popular books in my old group... but then they *really* liked