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Re: [HoE] Multiple Arcane Backgrounds

----->All right. This is the official stance, as I understand it. Generally
>speaking, one cannot have two Arcane Backgrounds. >

>Now, the main exception of this is Greenies. You can be a Greenie Templar,
>example. I suspect that this is because (IMHO) the Greenies aren't normal
>sykers per se, but some form of mutant. Also, Junkers can also be Hucksters
>given the whole Son of Siltgreaves connection. There is vague mention of
>Doomie Junkers in the Doomie book, but that's more clearly left up to GM
>(Of course, Siltgreaves was apparently, at one time, a Mad
>Scientist/Huckster/Shaman/proto-Junker, but that's neither here nor there.)

     And I think this is why there seems to be more than a little confusion
about the whole multiple AB issue.  Yep, the official stance is "No" but
then we get instance after instance where it can and does happen.  In a way,
it just goes to show that role-playing companies are a lot like most of us
GMs.  No, you can't have your character have double Arcane Backgrounds.  But
I'm the Marshal.  I can do what I want to and my characters do if I say they
do.  Mwuahhaaaahaaaa.

Don S.