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Re: [HoE] A Complete Review Of HoE

In a message dated 10/30/99 5:01:27 PM Eastern Standard Time, aniballi@mc.net 

    First of all, welcome to the center of Hell! I hope you enjoy your stay. 
Now, as to my responses.

<< 1.The wasted west
 Overall thoughts: Great, definitely required reading.>>

    Definetly needed reading, it provided so many ideas for adventures that I 
could hardly contain myself.. It had some nice guns. And you can't help but 
love the way they urge you to buy the expansion books for more information.. 
Must.. Buy.. Lost Vegas sourcebook...
>> 2. Brainburners
 Congrats to Steve Long! This book started out with a bang. All the Banshee
 storyline was terrific. Gave me a solid sense of the whole mess that was the
 Banshee war. Plent of great visionry, battle repolrts, life as a Psycher.
 Details on the aunouks, even a few sneak secrets from Lost Colony.
 Overall thoughts: Good, definitely required for Sykers.>>

    I agree, and for the record, I don't like Sykers that much. ;-)
>> 3. Children O' The Atom
 Story and background were acceptable. The whole founding of the Doomies was
 good, and the witnessing of the transformation of Silas was a good read. I
 like the whole saints thing will Holst, Oppenheimer, Hellstron, etc.
 Overall thoughts: Very Good, despite that whole Atum nonsense. Required
 (obviously) for Doomies.>>

    What can I say? I loved this book. I'm a doomsayer at heart, and this 
really fleshed them out. I wish they had added more information on how their 
magic works however.. All we know is that they somehow use the glow.. Eh.. 
You didn't like the Lectors, Hekants and such? I paticularly enjoyed that 
actually, the mythology look was a nice touch. It really is too bad that 
Meraud (My Lector) fell into the giant pit of GM hatred and I only got to 
play him once.. Definetly required reading for the children of the atom.
 >>4. Road Warriors.
 Ahh, what can I say about Road Warriors? Well, the intent was certainly
 good, and effort was made, but there isn't enough here in the way of story.
 Sorry to say it, but the whole deal with the Convoy was nice, it it has
 place in the Wasted West, but this infor would have been better off if it
 had a place in the Wasted West book itself (much more brief, of course)
 Overall thoughts: Great, but only if vehicles play a large part of your
 Wasted West games, if not, call it below average.>>

    One of the two HoE books I didn't like.. I don't enjoy using many 
vehicles in my campaign, so this book did not serve much purpose for me... 
Some parts were good reading, but overall it was below par.
 >>5. Last Cruasders
 Annother wow. Well put together book, with a really great detailing of the
 Templar Organization. Great trial by fire with the Baphomet. The Boise
 Horror has me scratching my head, but I have my thoughts on that subject.
 Overall Toughts: Excellent, Up untill this point I was convinced that this
 was the best character book for HoE, then I read....>>

    Nice book, well put togetether, and it really fleshed out the details for 
quite a few things I was wondering about.. And what can I say, Anti-templars 
were wonderful... Good things in the marshall's section, and good thing in 
the player's section. If you're going to be involving templars at all in your 
game, then buy this book.
 >>6. The Junkman Cometh
 OK. I gotta admit, John Hopler (and this book) are currently tops on my list
 for best RPG supliment for next years Origins awards. Man, this book was
 un-friggin'-believable. Totally amazing. The background story at the front
 of the book was so well written, so clever, and so cool.
 Overall thoughts: The single best sourcebook for HoE. You won't be

    If you don't have this book, go out and buy it right now. The history was 
superb, it explained how Junker powers worked incredibly well, the system is 
superb, and I couldn't find a thing wrong with it! Congrats!
 >>7. Cyborgs
 Again, annother good book from John Hopler. Not nearly as good a Junkman
 Cometh, but good still. It almost makes for better villains that it would
 for PCs, but I guess it depends on what kind of game you run. If it's all
 krush-kill-destroy, by all means Cyborg away.
 Overall Thoughts: Great for Cyborg and Harrowed wasters, good overall. >>

    The book was written well, and additions were great.. The infiltrator is 
by far my favorite cyborg, simply because it has that nice look to it.. The 
others just get far too powerful, too easy.. Then again, that's probably what 
they were made to do. ;-)

    All and all, I've been very pleased with the HoE product line, I hope 
Pinnacle keeps it up!
