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Re: [HoE] Something About a Templar...

<< Or maybe just a sniper would do... after showing how well he can wade 
  the baddies he'd be designated a prime target by a sniper concealed quite a
  distance away.  Hmmm... a junker sniper. >>

A well-hidden Tainted Junker with a Gun Browser and a rifle equipped with 
scope and suppressor is absolutely viscious as long as you (the Marshall) 
have chips.  A blue chip will do nutty damage - automatic head shot with 
double damage!  The suppressor baffles the sound of the rifle making it hard 
for a posse to pick out the sniper.  The scope should keep the sniper 
effective even after you run out of chips.  I threw one of these at my posse 
and the posse were overwhelmed.  Chips were flying!  There was an infiltrator 
borg with the Tainted, and she was eqiupped w/ fire computer, threat tracking 
program and infra-red cyber-eyes.  I had the encounter at night, (the 
Tainted's scope had night-vision too), and the 6 person posse was almost 
killed by those two.  Great fun.
Rick - Atomic Candy