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Re: Toxic Tunes (was Re: [HoE] Product Announcements)

> You were the kid who always reminded the teacher when she forgot to
> homework, weren't you?
> "B.D. Flory" wrote:

Ehhh...no.  I was the kid who had shouting matches with pedagogic English
teachers who believed their way to write was the only way to write...

I should also point out that I consider Shane, Goff, Hopler, et al. friends
(albeit electronic ones).  I felt that a well-placed reminder of just who
that intellectual property belongs to, and what can and can't be done with
it, was not out of line.

That said, if you can get permission from PEG to post sound bites and the
like, more power to you! ;)

B. D. Flory
ICQ# 53912341