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[HoE] Re: [Hoe] Music For A Blasted Theatre

Here is my least of favourite theme music if anybody cares to check it out
(all the titles are album titles -- I find single songs to dificult to time
properly -- i.e. combat ends and the music is still blazing or the opposite
-- guts are flying around and a sweet ballad comes on):

For the horror bits:
Wojciech Kilar's soundtrack to "Bram Stoker's Dracula" by F.F. Coppola --
greatly atmospheric and in constant enough mood to serve as a background music

For the reminiscences of good old days gone by:
anything by Joan Baez, or "Tapestry" by Carole King -- melancholic and
heavily out of sync with the HoE mood; just what I need for the reminder of
how nice it was before the world went to hell (and it was nice, because
these are the nostalgic memories, and not the real thing, heh,heh).

For tense face-downs/combat etc.
Die Krupps "Apocalypse Now"; L7 "Bricks are Heavy" (perhaps just because of
the barroom brawl scene from Natural Born Killers); later Ministry albums
(rob k already mentioned the band, just afford early stuff like "For
Sympathy" -- it *is* disco)

For Downbeat downtime:
anything by Crime and the City Solution, "Danzig," "Lucifuge," and "How The
Gods Kill" by Danzig, anything by Siglo XX.

For Weird/surreal/reality warp (if you get such things in your campaign --
I cannot escape them -- my mind is far too warped for realism):
***Caution*** you need warped players to be able to stand this:
Anything by Pere Ubu, "Mix-Up" by Cabaret Voltaire, anything by Throbbing
Gristle, "Songs of Love and Addiction" by Long Pig

And as usual, try before you buy.
Kociak a.k.a. Kitten => kociak@usa.net
"Luminous beings are we - not this crude matter"