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Re: [HoE] Road Warriors Errata

--- Doctor X <doctorx@aa.net> wrote:
> Don't have the book in front of me, but I was
> writing up an adventure, turned to
> the (I want to say "highway vigilante," but I think
> that's wrong.  The Mad Max
> one, anyway.) template and found no Concentrations
> listed.  What are they?

<spoiler space>:
</spoiler space>

One of the Naturefellers in the back has "shootin':
bow" listed. Oops!

Michael Shindler, ICQ #13820058
"Your chair's broken" - "Jack"
v3.12 GU d+(-) s+:- a--- c++ w++ PS+ R+ tv+ b++ DI++++, D, G, e-, r--
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