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Re: [HoE] Using HoE ABs in Deadlands (was Heart of)

>In a message dated 12/2/99 7:30:33 PM Central Standard Time,
>dougs@technologist.com writes:
>I really don't believe this portion needs a spoiler warning....
> >
> > This has the problem of making several ABs useless, such as junkers.
> > Doomies
> >  would need Ghost rock to recover strain, templers would lose... At 
> > their
> > greater rewards, maybe more.  Sykers would really kick butt though,  as
> > would
> >  cyborgs (lose the SRU and you're in trouble though)
> >
>    Actually, doomies don't need radiation to regain strain, it just speeds
>the process up.  They can regain one point of strain per hour of complete
>rest, background radiation or no.  Of course, the reenergize miracle really
>helps a poor mutie stuck in the barbaric west.

Hmmm, that I'm not sure about.  There is nothing in the Doomsayer SB that 
refers to a Doomsayer being a totally radiation-free 
field/room/zone/whatever.  There is at least some implication that the 1 pt. 
of strain per hour they are getting is coming from background rads.

>    As for junkers, I don't have their book but I imagine there are tech
>spirits even in the Weird West that they could find uses for.  Primitive, 
>not totally useless.

The problem isn't that they would be primitive, but that...


as per the Junker SB, prior to 2083, tech spirits were definitely a 
downtrodden minority, being destroyed by nature spirits as soon as they were 
freed from destroyed technical items.

It was only when the bombs dropped, and an overwhelming number of tech 
spirits were "freed" at once, that they could proliferate to the point where 
Junkers could call upon them.

I suppose a Deadlands-era Junker _might_ be able to call upon a tech spirit. 
  He'd probably have to, say, destroy an existing piece of tech and then 
immediately try to build something before the nature spirits snatched it up.

One also imagines certain powers/devices (AI and Brains, for instance, and 
possibly Healing) would simply be unavailable because the aforementioned 
primitiveness aspect.

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Steve Crow

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