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[HoE] Playing Stone

This was the point I was trying to make over on the DL list about having
characters considered to valuable to kill.  Stone is tough, but he shouldn't
be essential to the Lost Colony game.  Look at all the fun you can have by
killing him.  By the way, I loved the idea of Stone having a particular
weakness, killed by the bullet that killed him.  Fantastic!!  It harkens
back to the way you had to kill the Gaunt Man's creations in TORG.

> Subject: [HoE]  Playing Stone (Was Heart 'o Darkness)
> i like the idea of playing Stone like Draco, Have him be a boogieman to
> party until they realize that he's coming for one of them!
> Then you have to give him a weakness and give the posse a chance to beat
> (somehow) at the end of a long hard campaign. i was planning to have my
> learn that he can be killed if shot in the back with the same bullet as
> killed him the first time. Then the Posse had a long cross country trek to
> Gettysburg to go find a bullet in the mud, which by one of those
> freaks of chance was going to be part of a necklace of some old lady or
> something.  Have Stone hunting them throughout.  Put the climax during the
> second battle of Gettysburg.
> Either that, or find a way to trap or take his powers, like lure him to
> harrowed prison, hit him with a life elixer, curse him with an endless
> (to kill every rat in the city of Gloom).  The life elixer could be fun,
> could still use him as a villain, and though not super-powered, he's still
> nasty man who the party MUST NOT KILL because then his harrowed powers
> back. If they ever do get him in their cross hairs, have him hiss
> "If you kill me...... I will become more powerful than you could ever
> and wait for their collective groans