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Re: [HoE] Aberrant and Doomsayers

>    Has it occurred to anyone to do a crossover with Aberrant from White
>  Mutants would equate to the "subaberrant mutants" who often produce
> children.  Basically it would validate the doomsayer belief about mutants
> being the next step of evolution. Divis Mal could rip both Stones in half
> without breathing hard after all.  Aberrants would be mutants with an
> connection to the glow.

Well, you *could* do that, but I tend to think that would 'cheapen' HoE just
a bit.

Chris Aniballi
Insert your own anti-White Wolf saying here.
The ashtray says /  you were up all night
When you went to bed / with your darkest mind
Your pillow wept / and covered your eyes
Wilco - "A Shot In The Arm"