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[HoE] Monsters, Muties & Misfits

Damn Cool.  That's all I got to say.

You guessed it...there's no way I'd keep my mouth shut.
First off, should I be worried that I've read enough Deadlands stuff by now that
I could pick out which parts of the players' section were written by which
I think this book is a vast improvement on Rascals, Varmints & Critters.  While
the "fan-written" thing was neat, it kept the book from having too much impact
on the storyline.  This book has a few interesting surprises, though.
That, and the animal companion rules are very neat...completes the Mad Max image
nicely (though it wasn't a dingo; it was a DOG!).
I might take issue with the fact that some monster stats are reprinted from
Wasted West, but it wasn't enough of a problem to affect things too much.
I've already got 2-3 good adventure ideas for each critter running through my
head.  Nowhere Men are coming up first, and Glamor Pusses are gonna be the
perfect henchmen for the servitor of Famine my posse's going up against soon...
From Whom It May Concern,
Richard Ranallo, The Man They Couldn't Hang

Your money talks, but my genius walks
Morticians wait with a shovel and a fork
As detectives trace my hands with chalk
Your money talks but my genius walks.
--They Might Be Giants, "You'll Miss Me"