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Re: [HoE] Familiars & Junkers & blowing 'em up

In my last game session the Junker got blowed up good by a booby-trapped car 
trunk.  He took lotsa damage but managed to buy most of it off.  His familiar 
also got blowed up good and he didn't have the chips (or did he?) to buy 
those off.  Here's my questions:
1)  How does a familiar take damage?  It has a durability rating but its size 
is expressed as relating to people, not vehicles.  Should it take damage as a 
vehicle does?  (Meaning small arms do little or no damage, and explosives do 
only light damage outside it's first blast radius, as per Road Warriors.)  Or 
should it take massive damage as a person-sized target does?  
2)  Should the Junker be allowed to spend chips on a 1-for-1 basis to prevent 
wounds/damage?  Or does he have to spend 2-for-1 as usual like when giving 
chips to other posse members?  
Any suggestions/input would help.  The player playing the junker was a little 
peeved that a 5 point edge should be so easily eliminated.  I'm not losing 
sleep over it or anything, but I see his point.  
Rick - Atomic Candy
(Well - I've finally decided on a quote to sign off with)
"Hah - you think it's funny, turning rebellion into money!"
The Clash