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Re: [HoE] Heart of Darkness

I normally don't get a chance to repsond to the list here, but for the
Heart of Darkness, I'll take just a second or two.

First, I'd say it was a great adventure and wonderful story.  It does
require some research and preparation work and I recommend having all three
books read before running the adventure, but after that it shouldn't be
much of a problem to run a great campaign off of it.  

For the critic who claimed there is no reason for the characters to care
about it, I don't know, preventing the apocalypse seemed to have motivated
my characters, that and the fact that Hellstromme was asking for a "favor"
was more then enough.  I didn't have to do any more that.

Jackie Wells was the name of the crossover character from the Wasted West
and she is still a NPC in my ongoing Wasted West Campaign with the
availabilty that a player could run her (yes I wrote up stats for her).
For the critic on her, she was a nice jumping point for the Wasted West and
the fact that she was the only one that most likely could hurt Stone didn't
mean she was the only one who could, she just had the best chance.  He is
afterall a major plot device and his death though not crippling would
effect the Deadlands worlds and those campaigns that stick with it.  

Anyway, getting back to the Heart of Darkness, it is a tough adventure for
the group, a well written story, and as I said provides an excellent
jumping point for the Wasted West.  The way I ended the trilogy was with
Jackie Wells returning to the Wasted West (all the players declined her
offer to come) with the Heart of Darkness and handing it over to the
players Wasted West Characters.

This was the start of my Wasted West campaign and the players really liked
the transition.  Their new players were charged with the task of
protecting/destroying the Heart.  As of right now, it has been taken back
by Stone and we are using it in a Wasted/Weird West Crossover game with
another game group even.  So it provided plenty of story line and is a nice
plot device.  Well, I really didn't review the game much for you all, but I
did have to let all know that I felt the Heart of Darkness has provided our
group with plenty of enjoyable game play and new opportunities.

