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Re: [HoE] Ideas welcome

At 01:30 PM 1/26/00 -0800, you wrote:
>I'm starting a pretty-much-new to the game group near
>Albaqerque. I've got a few ideas, I'm going to start
>with a few Walkin' Dead to kind of show 'em the ropes
>and depending on which little town they stumble across
>they'll run into my Story Monster. I'll detail that
>later becasue I've got class now but I was wondering
>if anybody had any good ideas for that area. The group
>consists of a sword-wielding Taleteller, an undead
>Indian Scout for the Union, an undead Lector, a
>Junker, and three others that haven't made characters

Need anything specific?  In HoE, Albuquerque's probably main claim to
interest would be Kirtland Air Force base - home of a couple of military
laboratories and also home for a stockpile of nukes.  That simple fact
would mean that Abq. has been blown off the map, like so many other cities.

The nearest large town is 60 some odd miles away - Santa Fe.  I HOPE that
that has been blown off the map too.  If you are running an adventure in
this area, you need at least one abomination-coyote-wearing-a-bandana.

Allan Seyberth

Why did the chicken cross the road?

To actualize its potential.