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[HoE] this is a distress call from a first time marshal!

This is a first time Marshal speaking and i have just written the most
twisted and convoluted backstory that will ever kill off a couple of
characters, but i have a problem.  How do i rope the poor unsuspecting
slobs into my devious plot?

	Here's the plot(spoilers mayfield and Zack, SCRAM!!!!!!!!)


Any way this is the plot:  The loco leader of the doombringers(Silas
Rasmutinn),not the doomsayers, is planning to expand into Seattle via a new
spell that can transport a fairly large amount of troops and equipment in
massive numbers.  To facilatate this jump he has to have a continuous line
of radiation to his destination and there has to be someone on the other
end to open the portal.  he can't satisfy both of these criteria in
Seattle, too much gang activity for him to establish a safe line of
radiation, but he can in the nearby town of Spruce Ridge.  To help him
destroy the town so that he can use it as a temporary base of operation, he
has created a rad. based construct in Seattle.  He has also 
planted a spie in spruce ridge in case the construct fell through.  to make
a long story short the contsruct can't get to the village and the spie is
having a tough time getting them to evacuate without blowing his cover and
is running out of time.  But the spie has almost cracked the mystery of the
constructs apparent innability to slaughter the town and might still be
able to nuke the town and be able to have the advantage of surprise when he
massacres the gangs.
	It is at this point which i have thrown the posse into the hotbed of
Spruce Ridge with the opportunity to sway things either way depending on
their actions and the speed in which they execute whatever plan they got
	The time frame is about a week and no more than two.  Any help is

							Jack Romeyn
						   "enter the sandman"