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Re: [HoE] New Blast Rules (possible spoilers)

>Matthew Steflik wrote:
> > Yet if I'm following this correctly under the new blast rules, BOTH have
> > an EQUAL maximum threshold of 60 yards regardless of raises? And this
> > also means a mere 60 yards out from a GZ you might not take ANY damage
> > (6-1d6 locations)?
> >
> > What?!?  Am I misinterpreting this?
>Ok, yes, the rules do pretty much say that, but I think you need to put
>things into perspective.

[various snippage]

Can't speak entirely for Matthew, but looked to me was that his concern (and 
certainly mine!) was that the radius for _any_ d20 explosion is set at 
_exactly_ 60 yards.

Under the old system, a Doomsayer PC was pretty royally screwed by getting 
more raises.  Sure, he did more damage...but he also increased the blast 
radius since damage would go from a random base and then descend by a single 
"# of die" per outward blast radius.

Under the new system, a Doomsayer PC can safely say "If they're 61 yards 
away, they're toast and (assuming I make the roll-to-hit - very I'm fine."

>But although it's nice to have "realistic" explosives, HOE is a
>"cinematic" game. That means after a big Hollywood-style explosion, the
>good guys get up, dust themselves off, and generally aren't seriously
>hurt. Striking the right balance between realism+mathematics and
>Hollywood-style fun is very difficult to do.

Actually, according to (one assumes, John Hopler) the new rules are intended 
to prevent that very thing, as it was perceived as a problem (i.e., a PC at 
ground zero just spending the chips and shrugging off the damage).


Steve Crow

"Worm Can Opener Extraordinare"

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