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Re: [HoE] G-ray vs. Spook Juice "efficiency"

>     But Spook juice is still far more flexible in its use than G-Rays. A 
>Juice engine can run off other fuels.  As for the Junker building a 

Ummm, it can't, can it?  At least for Junker devices, the rules note that 
only SJ (or g-rays) can be used - regular fuel just won't cut it.

A regular engine can run off of SJ, but a Junker-built engine cannot 
officially run off of other fuels.  Your mileage may vary if you want to 
whip up a "Converter" power, of course... :)

>vehicle. .. Well as was pointed out Ghost Rays are more expensive in the 
>run. Or short run for that matter.

They're more expensive in exchange for being more time-effective.  See my 
post about storage issues - you can't carry large volumes of SJ with you 
without essentially making the fuel tank of your vehicle larger.  You want 
to stop to make Spook Juice every 50 miles, good luck.  That should make for 
a thrilling campaign...  :)

>     The scrounging rules in WW are okay if you want to go into a ruined 
>As in Ghost rock bombed sort with a Ghoststorm and such. Not cost efficient 
>all when the ammo is counted. :)  The TN of 13 in a settlement that mines 
>stuff is easier but still not enough to make me think gathering up the 
>counters the ease of Spook Juice creation.
>But as far as flying vehicles G-Rays are more efficient due to flat speeds 
>no hazards. (Well almost none.!)  :)
>David Heth
>"<BLAM BLAM BLAM> Hey Nazi!  That's American for "I am over here!""
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Steve Crow

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