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Re: [HoE] Dr. Pepper?

At 03:05 PM 2/21/00 , you wrote:
>In a message dated 2/21/2000 2:44:04 PM Eastern Standard Time,
>zacharin@pluto.dsu.edu writes:
><< Nope.  I used to drink Surge by the 20liter and I'm still relatively O.K.
> >>
>I drank 12 oz of the stuff once and I got the worst migraine I ever had. I'm
>fine with Coke and even Jolt, but Surge is a bit much.
>Peter Berard

I drink a 20 oz of Surge every day, and have for years and it's never done 
me any harm, except for Social Maladjustment and Blurred Vision.

seriously tho, is it radioactive? I am afraid to check...