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[HoE] Scroungin' feasibility

<snip about junkers not being feasable if scroungin' isn't feasable>
An important thing about junkers is that, when they scrounge, they're
not looking for the"right" part.  If a junker is building a car, he
doesn't have to scavenge for an engine, piston heads, transmission, etc;
he just finds PARTS. The rest is just details.  In the words of the
world's greatest detective, Darryl Zero, "When you set out to find a
specific thing, your chances of finding it are very low, because there's
a lot of things in the world, and you're only looking for one of them.
On the other hand, if you are looking for anything in general, your
chances of finding it are very good, because, out of all the things out
there, you're bound to find one of them."
This doesn't necessarily apply to junkers finding ghost rock, as there's
no substitute for it.  But it's just to say that, even if scroungin' got
100 times more difficult for your average waster, junkers would still be
able to build (maybe not eat, but build)
From Whom it May Concern,
Rich Ranallo, The Man They Couldn't Hang

"And there never was an apple, in Adam's opinion, that wasn't worth the
trouble you got into for eating it."
 -Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett, Good Omens