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[HoE] Con Pimping

Hey, for those of you in the Chicago-ish area, I'm making my official
announcement for my convention.  It's called CoDCon, and it's gonna be
held at the College of DuPage in Glen Ellyn, April 14-16.  admission is
$5 for the whole weekend, most events don't have any fees (the LARP and
Magic tournament do, I think), but will have prizes awarded.  If you
need directions or other info, check out the webpage at
Deadlands-wise, I'm running an event at high noon on Saturday.  I'm not
sure if it's gonna be HoE, Weird West, or whatever yet, though.  Other
people are welcome to come and run games (run a successful game and get
your admission refunded!), and prizes will be supplied for those as well
(assuming we don't run out).
For exhibitors, we've got a few companies turning out.  FASA is going to
be running a passel of games, and Kenzer & Co is showing off the single
coolest miniatures game ever (since there's no more GRW), Fairy Meat,
written by our very own Scott Leaton.  There's also a ton of demo teams
coming from SJGames, Cheapass, White Wolf, etc and an all-night 2 Day
Vampire LARP.
E-mail me privately if you have any questions...
PS: For all you GRWers, GCers, and/or High Nooners, I and my posse will
be on hand with minis and terrain...I may need to playtest the GenCon
tournament scenario...
From Whom it May Concern,
Rich Ranallo, The Man They Couldn't Hang

"And there never was an apple, in Adam's opinion, that wasn't worth the
trouble you got into for eating it."
 -Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett, Good Omens