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Re: [HoE] Lost Colony CCG "Who Cares!"

----- Original Message ----- >
> Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2000 11:57:36 CDT
> From: grandmasternilus@hotmail.com
> Subject: Re: [HoE] Lost Colony CCG "Who Cares!"
> >The Lost Colony RPG was never promised by GenCon. Lost Colony the
> >was advertised as "Summer,"  and that's exactly when the card game will
> >released.
> >
> But When this was originally promised I don't think anyone though there
> going to be a CCG.  If I recall Doomtown wasn't even out at that time.

Who cares what everyone may have thought? When the first Deadlands Main Book
was published and they said that if you bought the books and read between
the lines you'd get a hint at something BIG planned for the future did you
immediately say, "Oh! They're going to publish another Role Playing Game,
but set it in the future after the Reckoners alter history and destroy the
world!" Probably not.  But by the time Hell On Earth came around, some
people had. Some liked it, some didn't. Whatever.

Just because you weren't expecting a CCG, doesn't mean no one else did. And
it doesn't mean it wasn't planned from the start. If you don't want it,
don't buy it. No one promised anything they aren't delivering.

> >As for LC being a card game first, I'm sorry you feel that way. We like
> >card
> >games as much as RPGs and they make much more money, even if you don't do
> >very well. That's just the truth of the industry.
> >
> At Least You're not lying to us and saying RPG make more money.  And I
> realize that I shouldn't have criticize Pinnacle for wanting to make

Or for wanting to strengthen the license. Look at Deadlands. It's the only
license in history to win Best Card Game, Role Playing Game and Miniatures
Game (as far as I know of). The CCG/RPG crossover  potential is enormous (as
shown by sales of Doomtown Or Bust). Why not try to do it all over again
(minus the miniatures, sadly) with Lost Colony?

> Honestly I don't condem all card Games.  I don't mind L5R or Doomtown all
> that much but I think What I was trying to get at was that was not
> was excited about the Lost Colony CCG and that a lot of us would have
> prefered that you put the time in to getting The RPG out first and then
> worked on the Card Game.  Maybe I was wrong to think this, but at least I
> let my opinion be heard. And I am planning on picking up at least one deck
> of the CCG(Or Hopefully they'll be giving it out free like they did
> Last Year at Gencon) and plan on giving it a try.

Heh.. keep in mind the free decks don't really put money in their pocket
unless you push it on people to buy more after that. You know, like crack.
<g> ;-)

please don't bitch about the drug reference.
It's a joke. And it has a funny name. Admit it.