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[HoE] Misc. Questions

Had a couple come up last night.  Curious to know what folks' takes are on 

1) Force Field - Syker.  Apologies if I asked this before, but...what is up 
with this?  Subsequent rules on Force Fields are pretty clear (Junker and 
Cyborg SBs).  You've got to have weapons "synchronized" to get out through 
the field, or otherwise the field acts as armor for the person being hit.

But for Sykers...?  Can they synchronize their personal self-generated force 
fields somehow, through sheer act of will?  But if they can't...how much 
good is this Syker ability?  It presumably inhibits any physical attack they 
make.  Including stuff, I guess, like Slow Burn and Brain Blast.  Much less 
using guns and swords stuff.

But if all they can do is sit in their force field and move around and use 
non-physical attacks (like, say, Chain Brain), it doesn't seem very 

2) Sweep (from the Templar sword-fighting tactics section).  I'm a little 
unclear on this.  Can it be used with two weapons?  Not that familiar on the 
swordfighting side of things, but A) the picture shows the guy using a 
single weapon two-handed; B) Since a lot of it involves using your strength 
to literally pull the sword out and move it on to the next person you might 
need a sword; C) The Figure Eight maneuver has separate entries for 
one-weapon and two-weapon but Sweep doesn't; and D) It takes even longer to 
roll a single action in combat when it consists of, say, a Sweep on six 
people if you're using two weapons.

Also, the Sweep rules are a little vague on one thing, and again, since I'm 
not an expert on swordfighting (although the rules seem to assume I am... :( 
), another question we had come up was...what if you miss an attack in the 
sequence?  If you miss attacking Sweep target #2 of 6, do you just hop skip 
and jump on to 3, 4, 5, and 6, or does that end the Sweep right there?


Steve Crow

"Worm Can Opener Extraordinare"

Check out my website at:  http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Stargate/4991/

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