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Re: [HOE] SW vs. Convoy (minor spoilers)

>so what you're saying is that feasibly, the Convoy could be carrying a 
>couple of totems that allows them to pass through the dead zone.

He might be saying that, but it doesn't seem correct based on SW.

A) There's nothing in SW to suggest the Sioux would permit uprooting the 
totems, or more importantly that the totems would remain effective once 

B) It _is_ possible the Convoy may have cleared the path, but...if this is 
the case, it would have remained cleared (not like the blockage regrows 
itself...*heh*), in which case it makes no sense for SW to say that in 2094 
the tech-friendly path through is still blocked.

C) If there is a tech-friendly path through to Deadwood, this kinda ruins 
the rest of the "ambience" that Mr. Hopler creates for the city.  as a 
rarely-visited place.  At minimum, it takes 20 days travel time just to get 
there.  As noted in SW, this is part of the reason it doesn't get many 

Hope that all helps.

>Risik@aol.com wrote:
> > <<<Ok, I think I may have a comprimise for this. It took some reasearch 
> > here we go...
> >
> > (short spoiler space)>>>
> >
> >   The only problem with this is the rules for reliability are what it is 
>now in HOE.  If you read it closely then it says that when the elemental 
>first woke up then Tech did not work period, no reliability roll or 
>anything.  So during the war there was no chance that a missile would have 
>done anything except kill someone it fell on.  Now thou the Elemental is 
>going back to sleep/Lossing Power (not sure from the text) and its effect 
>is weakening.
> >    Also, as for how you access Deadwood and other places people have 
>seemed to forget about the Tottem markers (not sure of page number), but 
>these markers if held by a person allows them to access there spirit powers 
>normally (good luck getting one as a Junker but caretakers are ok) but if 
>an area is lined with them then the area contained in it would allow tech 
>to operate.  It said somewhere that the roadway into deadwood was lined 
>with these to the maglines and cars on the road would work as long as they 
>stayed on the roads.
> >
> > O.W. Jones Inventor and Gunsmith


Steve Crow

"Worm Can Opener Extraordinare"

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