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Re: [HOE] Would you allow this man his character?

<<Darrin Bright <darrin@neobright.net> writes
Dusarat@aol.com wrote:
  In a recent character creation session, a friend of mine drew the aces of spades, hearts, and Diamonds AS WELL AS the Red joker with a suit of spades... 
   Now, if you knew that this man, had, say, purchased a book of card tricks last week and had spent the week practicing them, would you say I made the right call in making him re-draw for the character?

Aww, whadja go an' do that fer?

Try this: tell the PC that it's an amazing draw, let him keep it and GRIN EVILLY. Throw in a maniacle cackle or two. Let him make whatever Ubercharacter he wants.

Now. Make the character harrowed. There's just NO WAY a manitou is going to pass up a body that good. Make it a GREATER Manitou with a kick-ass Spirit. Give him a 5-point hindrance that gives the manitou a +5 to all
dominion rolls.

You see where this is going yet? When the other PCs aren't expecting it, cash in a blue chip and GO TO TOWN. Munchkinism works both ways, boys and girls... what's good for the goose is good for the gander.>>

  The only problem with this is what if it was fair?  I have seen people draw hands like this and better as well.  Sure you could mess with them, but what is the point unless you know they cheated.  Better, I say to make him redraw then to cheat back. 

O.W. Jones Inventor and Gunsmith