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Re: [HOE] Question on PEG's website

>Whoa!  I didn't know the web guy was on the list!  While I know he's
>reading, I figure I may as well ask: Chris, why does the site seem to be
>designed for 1024x768?  There's a lot of people out there running 800x600,
>and making it for the higher resolution doesn't seem to make sense when
>there are so many running the lower resolution.
>Also, there are places where you use apostrophes incorrectly- such as
>"marshal's" and "posse's" in the Library sections.  I just thought you might
>like to know.
>Nick "neurotic English major" Zachariasen

Well, when I originally designed the new site I was never going to break 
the border on the right hand side of the screen.  All the graphics were 
just going to be in that little space under the nav bar.  You wouldn't have 
to scroll to the left and down, just down.  That would have made it nice 
for both resolutions.  And the only thing you'd miss in 800x600 mode would 
be a little bit of the graphics on the bottom and the copyright info.  As 
for when you got into the site, I figured if you got that far you wouldn't 
mind scrolling down a bit to see stuff.  The fact that the site is centered 
in the browser as opposed to aligned to the left is a problem too.  Just 
one of many things I want to fix when I get time...
As far as the incorrect grammar goes, I know about it.  Again, one of many 
projects on the list for the web.
-Chris Libey
PEG, Inc.