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SV: SV: [HOE] Massive Damage ...

> Well I don't have my DL or HoE book with me, but I was pretty sure that
> under the player's section on Fate chips there was a blurb to the effect
> of what I said. Maybe it's different in HoE. I'll pull my book out and try
> to find the passage.

Well, I have all my books handy, so I've checked. Books don't say anything about it, as far as I can see. It might be hidden from plain sight... in that case, I am going to look like a jackass. ;-)

However, I think I know where you got that inpretation from. Under the part about trading chips to other posse members, it says that you must explain how you help the person you are giving the chip to. 

Marshal Ole I. "Hates to be right every time, but cannot help it" Stene