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Re: [HOE]How are the new books

>this adventure. The only way you can really "win" as far as I can tell
>is to grab a bunch of sacks of the "super-grow grain", but this is only
>mentioned in passing ONCE at the end, and it's never mentioned anywhere
>in the adventure where this grain is or how the PCs would conceivably
>take enough of it to feed the nearby communities. Unless some heavy
>hints were dropped by the GM, I can't imagine any party would even
>*think* of grabbing a bunch of grain. If it does occur to anybody, and

Your mileage may of course vary, but my party grabs _anything_ that looks 
valuable if it's portable.  And sometimes if its not...  :)

>they do manage to get enough of it past the army of walkin' dead, the
>adventure is especially vague on why they should be rewarded for this,
>since everything that comes out of this Biodome place is tainted and
>gradually turns people into faminites. Why would the PCs be rewarded for
>turning townsfolk into faminites? And really, how is one sack of grain

I'm not familiar with the adventure (yet), but that does sound like somewhat 
of a downer.  Don't have my Spirit Warriors book with me, but could a toxic 
shaman do something with the stuff?  Or an old-style Blessed?  Sounds more 
like the problem would be determining that the taint exists in the first 
place prior to a bunch of townfolk gettin' contaminated.


Steve Crow

"Worm Can Opener Extraordinare"

Check out my website at:  http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Stargate/4991/

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