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Re: [HOE] Cyborg questions [Allan, Hopler]

At 7/18/00 02:43 PM -0500, you wrote:
 >Checked the Accumulated Rulings page, nothing there on this...any chance of
 >getting an update Allan?
 >Cyborgs...when creating a PC, all cyborgs get the spirit fetter, AI, and
 >SRU, plus whatever the base stuff is for their class.  Now, I'm assuming
 >that this is true (I know that may be bad), but it really doesn't say one
 >way or the other in the book:  When building a cyborg you have to take into
 >consideration all parts (base plus type) when considering spirit loss, mount
 >locations, etc, correct?

The AI is free of both cost and spirit loss, the same for the fetter.  The 
SRU doesn't cost money, but you do have to pay the slot cost and spirit 
loss for it.

 >For example, an infiltrator looses spirit for their infiltrator package, the
 >light can looses spirit for it's cyber eye, etc?  Even though these are part
 >of their package...  right?

Correct.  Those costs do have to be paid, though the monetary amount does not.

 >Next question.  What if you want to create a light cyborg without the cyber
 >eye?  Could you "trade in" the eye for money (whatever that's worth) for
 >something else?  Same thing applies to the SRU if you don't want one (maybe
 >yer one of the first 'borgs...or whatever).

No, on either.  The default configuration requires the SRU - no Old Earth 
government would skip on that.  As for trading in the cyber-eye, that I 
would give some slack on and give a refund of the money.

 >How about trading in the package money for edges?  Say $2,000 per point?
 >Basically it's the opposite of spending your VotWW points at $2,000 a pop?
 >Sounds reasonable to me, comments?

Sounds good, but as a house rule.  Giving a PC the extra points may be too 
powerful for an official rule.

 >How visible are light/hard points?  Are light points like the things in Neo
 >from the Matrix, when he's in the tub o' goo?

About right, probably a little bigger for firmer mounting.  The Heavy 
hardpoints look like boiler plate stapled on.  :-)
Allan Seyberth
Deadlands fan site - http://www.darious.com/deadlands/index.html

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