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Re: [HOE] I'm a pain, aren't I?

"Ray C." wrote:

> >The SA Officer sidearm is an automatic.
> OK...  Why does it only have 6 shots then?  Like I stated above, every
> automatic weapon I've seen has at least seven + one shots.  Ah well.

Those are BIG bullets... any idea how hard it is to fit .50 calibur
bullets into a clip and not make the weapon weigh 20 lbs? The .50 cal
Desert Eagle barely has room for 7. The Southern Alliance probably gave
the weapons manufacturers certain weight specifications, and the only
way to bring the weight down was to cut down the size of the clip.

Easy enough to fix this, however. Many modern semi-automatic pistols
offer the option of using extended clips... the Glock 17, 19, 21, 22,
etc. family come to mind (standard clip is 17 I think, and the extended
goes way out to 33 and apparently looks pretty funky to boot). So just
make a house rule that the SA officer's sidearm also can use an extended
clip, and jack up the capacity to around, oh... I'd say 9 or so. Those
.50s are big damned bullets.

Another way you could go is if this sidearm was a very popular weapon,
then there'd be a *lot* of knockoffs, some of which might have features
or options not available on the military issue model. So if you've got
someone who wants a few extra bullets, just say he's got a knockoff with
a slightly larger ammo capacity. 
> And .44 Magnum?  I have a redneck in my group, he ALWAYS goes for shotguns
> and big bangs.

That'd be $2 as well. This should be covered in the HOE main rulebook, I
think there's a little chart for various ammo. Your basic, standard,
every-day bullet is either a 9mm (usually parabellum) or .45 (usually
ACP), so this and anything smaller is $1. The high-powered pistol
bullets are $2, and I forget what shotgun slugs are but the strange ones
I think go as high as $5. 

And do keep in mind that prices are going to vary WIDELY based on local

> One other question I forgot to ask...  Why doesn't Pinnacle include more
> pictures of fictional guns?  I can understand the idea behind not using
> ACTUAL gun pics (Copyright and all that), but when something is your own
> baby...

Probably so they don't piss off the gun-nuts and get a bunch of flames
like "That's so lame, a .50 would never look like THAT!" or "I wouldn't
be caught dead with such a silly gun." Stuff like that. Of course, I'm
not a gun nut but I'm somewhat tainted by playing Feng Shui, where
Attitude is Everything, and no self-respecting hero would ever pick up a
gun unless it has a cool name or a  chrome finish.