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Re: [HOE] fightin': florentine (Hopler?)

actually, in the description for florentine, it says specifically that a raise
means the second weapon HITS.. would this not mean that no second fightin' roll
is necessary? (by the by, my templar is using sword and knife too.. spare
swords dont come cheap)

Grant V

Allan Seyberth wrote:

>  >I've also got some confusion on fightin: florentine.
>  >What is the relation between it and the fightin' skill you're using (say,
>  >fightin' sword). Do you have to have both? At the same level? What is the
>  >effect if one is higher than the other? What if you are using a sword and
>  >a knife? So you need florentin, and sword, and knife?
> Generally it's not a problem because for 3 character points, similar skills
> can be made related - so that they are treated as the same skill.
> but yes - for florentine sword and knife, you would need Fightin': Sword,
> Knife, Florintine
> If for some reason you didn't want to relate the skills, then you use the
> lower of Florintine or Sword for the first attack, and the lower of
> Florintine or Knife for the second (to continue with the above example.)
> -------------------
> Allan Seyberth
> darious@darious.com
> Deadlands fan site - http://www.darious.com/deadlands/index.html
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