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Re: [HOE] Revelations

Oh, I can't wait.

I just need to keep this information from my posse. They want to
fight the Reckoners... and I mean head-on.

Guys, this could be a big hint - get working on lowering that
fear level!

--- Xotzil@aol.com wrote:
> All of you who haven't yet, go to the Pinnacle site and follow
> the link to Shane's interview (though I must warn you it is
> kinda spoiler information).
> Anyone else want to crawl under something heavy and whimper?
> --Jacques

Michael Shindler, ICQ #13820058
Daidoji Arichi, Scorpion Clan Bodyguard
"The more you question my loyalty, the less you deserve it" - Bayushi Yojiro
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