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Re: [HOE] Re: Revalations-SPOILER (duh)

No, the Reckoners aren't Back East; that's Raven's turf, and we all know
how much he adores his former employers.  The best guess I have as to
where they've been is that they're stomping around the rest of the world,
making sure there aren't enough people left to rebuild civilization (but
still enough to feel Fear).  They'll be coming back to bust up Junkyard,
most likely...probably the Cult, too, since Silas is spreading hope among
the ones he's not killing (a...WEIRD...kind of hope, but...).
That and they'll probably give the Combine a sound whuppin just to keep
them from getting uppity...

On Fri, 28 Jul 2000 04:42:32 GMT "Matthew Weaver-Uzelac"
<redbird47@hotmail.com> writes:
> > Instead of them comming back to the West, maybe the focus of the 
> world 
> willbe expanded to the areas that they are in, namely Back East!

From Whom It May Concern,
Rich A Ranallo

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