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Re: [HOE] Junker Laser Sight Question

maybe a combo of the light power and the flash gorden power to create a
targeting laser that stings.


Matt and Teresa Steflik wrote:

> Hey Folks,
> One of my players wanted me to put a question to the list at large
> regarding Junker construction of laser sights for weapons.  Basically,
> he wants to design a junker equivalent to the laser sight available on
> pg. 23 of the Wasted West book and would like to have suggestions
> regarding how to do this. His stance is that it is a relatively simple
> power (just a beam of light) but can't be improved upon (i.e. you can't
> design one that gives better than the regular +2 bonus).  He'd like to
> hear suggestions of what other people would do/have done in this regard
> in their games.  I'll pass on any suggestions you can give him, and we'd
> both appreciate anything we get.  Thanks in advance, folks.
> Matt Steflik
> Gimme Shelter - http://www.geocities.com/grifflik/
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