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Hi. For those of you who dont know me, my name is Dave Wilson and I'm 
ultimately responsible for our customer service including mail orders. I try 
very hard to get them processed as quickly and correctly as possible. If 
anyone ever has any concerns please email me directly at 
davewilson@deadlands.com. I will try to help as quickly as possible.
  That being said let me get some information out there that may help answer 
some questions. We as a company try very hard to support both our fans and 
our industry. For our fans who have trouble getting our product we offer our 
online store. We want to make sure that every person who is interested in 
our game has access to it. This means that when a product arrives at our 
warehouse it is put on the web. At this point we process orders as quickly 
as we can. I can't promise that we can  get a product to you in two days. 
What I can promise is that I personally process mail orders as quickly as 
possible. I try to respond to each order personally and when I do get a 
special request I do everything in my power to make it happen. If you ever 
need to get in touch with me email me or call our office and I will try to 
  We also try very hard to encourage our industry through supporting 
retailers and distibutors. Lets start at the beginning of the process. 
Hexarcana for instance. We paid to have a substantial number next-day aired 
to Origins so that our fans could have it there. When we got back from the 
show we sold the remainder to our loyal web customers. The rest of the books 
had to be shipped via truck from CA to VA. Once they reached our warehouse 
they then had to be shipped from us to all of the distributors we deal with 
(a lot.) It is also critical to understand that all distributors want books 
to have a street date. This means that they want all distributors to release 
the book on the same day for competitive reasons. This means that delay has 
to be built in so that all (including west coast) have the books before they 
can ship it to their retail accounts.This system is in place at the 
insistence of distributors. I would like to point out that we never  
discount our products on the web. We simply want everyone to be able to get 
them. The system does mean that a direct order from us may be a little 
quicker but that is the nature of the beast. We certainly encourage you to 
support your local stores and even to put them in touch with me if they need 
  Sorry about the lengthy note but I wanted everyone to understand the 
process. Finally, I try to process orders every day but during con season 
this is not always possible. Let me end by saying I appreciate everyone who 
orders our product either from us or from their favorite retailer and I will 
do what I can to help you. The best way to reach me is 

Dave Wilson
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