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Re: [HOE] What is wrong with the sourcebook adventures?

Hey Gang,

     I've been listening to the debate on Sourcebook adventures for a bit 
now, and I figured it was about time I put my neck to the guillotine.  I 
just want to say, I've never met an adventure module I didn't like.  Of 
course, I don't remember when the last time I ran one was; but then I do buy 
them all the time.  How does that happen?  Easy.  I buy adventure modules 
only so I can borrow from them.  Sometimes I borrow plot, sometimes 
characters, creatures, maps, new stuff, whatever!  But I never actually run 
the adventure as written.  I just can't.  I always think, "Hey this could be 
better", or "I'd rather do this", or even, "whoever wrote this didn't 
consider such and such".  So to me, there is no "bad" adventure there is 
just, really good seeds for something better.  I'll admit I have to dig for 
some of the seeds, heh, heh.  But I'd say any adventure is kick ass, it's 
just a matter of who is dealin' the cards.....

                         Jason "SWIMSupSTREAMS" Adkins

>From: The Baron Samedi <baron11@netmcr.com>
>Reply-To: hoe@gamerz.net
>To: hoe@gamerz.net
>Subject: Re: [HOE] What is wrong with the sourcebook adventures?
>Date: Thu, 03 Aug 2000 18:11:42 -0400
>At 01:32 AM 7/31/00, you wrote:
>>>I have seen a few times on here and at the forum where people have said 
>>>bad these adventures are but as a newbie marshal i'm not sure i see the
>>>problems...could someone please (with appropiate spoiler space) tell me 
>>>what is wrong with the adventures and B) if u ran them what did u change 
>>>make them better
>>>Marshal Of Oz
>>I'm not sure if I need this space, but for sourcebook adventures...I find
>>most of them (or, at least, the ones I have) okay. The adventure that
>>comes with the Radiation Screen is awesome, in my opinion. I wouldn't
>>change that a bit. The only adventure that I have a problem with is "Hell
>>Riders" in the Road Warriors sourcebook. It's not BAD, per se, but
>>something about it....I don't know..... just makes me not want to run it.
>>Or run it the way it's written. As for standalone adventure modules, I
>>personally like the Hell or High Water one. I think it's kinda creepy.
>I love Hell or High Water...first HoE adventure I ever ran.
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