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Re: [HOE] Just healing [Hopler]

 >Well, that's considerably more complicated than the medicine available to
 >people in the Wasted West.  Maybe if you could fix a Maimed wound in the
 >Golden Hour, you could get it down to Critical, which could then be
 >healed naturally or something.  I've always done it as 5 wounds = no
 >Irregardless, it might be nice to get an official word on how this works,
 >since there's a direct contradiction in the rules.

Now - for the golden hour, you have to have started surgery in the time 
frame.  It's assumed that the first thing that you do is to stabilize the 
victim, er, patient.

I think that I'll go with the chart on this one - it has a healin' roll for 
maimed limbs, so you must be able to try and save 'em. Doctor's can not 
heal limbs that have gone to 6+ wound levels.  The same with natural healing.
That's my "official" call.

But for my game, I'd treat it that any limb that has gone to 5 wound levels 
and has not been medically treated, needs to come off.  Gangrene is so 
ugly.  :-)

 >So, Mr Hopler (or someone): Can Maimed limbs be healed by natural means,
 >medicine: surgery rolls, or only certain supernatural powers?
 >From Whom It May Concern,
 >Rich A Ranallo
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Allan Seyberth
Deadlands fan site - http://www.darious.com/deadlands/index.html

Why did the chicken cross the road?
