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Re: [HOE] A few questions

>On Tue, 08 Aug 2000 16:07:25 -0300 Pat Gamblin <shosuro@nbnet.nb.ca>
> > At 02:44 PM 08/08/00, you wrote:
> > >>>>Anyhow, on to the questions. For most of these, I don't need
> > hard stats or anything, just an idea as to what they are or what is
>meant. I
> > can work up stats of my own until I get the books, but it's nice to
>have the
> > core ideas for inspiration. I'm including spoiler space for those in
> > mode who may see the responses. : }
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> > >>>Four of the five "pollution" spirit types are polluted
> >You'd think that Doomsayers would tend to attract a lot of rad
> > spirits, but in general the two factions (Doomsayers and Toxic Shaman)
> > seem to like each other.
> >
> > Hm. Maybe the Glow keeps rad spirits away. Either it keeps them away
>Well, firstly, Doomsayers don't go around causing radioactive pollution
>that much (at least not the purple variety); as rads are still more
>likely to kill you than mutate you.  Second, there's a major difference
>in theology between the two groups that I think was intentional in the
>writing: Doomsayers see the Glow as a semi-sentient force, similar to
>Taoists, while Spooks are dealing with personified entities, like, well,
>Shamans.  The two ways of seeing radiation are mutually exclusive.

My purpple-robed Doomsayer goes around killing folks with radiation all the 
time.  They're not good folks that are getting killed, but you gotta figure 
that, say, a 6d20 Nuke is going to attract a lvl 1 Guardian Spirit.

Since Nuke (and ICBM, and Neutron Blast, and others) seem to be in 
relatively common use, you gotta sorta figure that a lot of Doomsayers (of 
both stripe) would have lvl 1 rad spirits tailing around with them. Which 
raises the question (particularly since these spirits _help_ their attachee 
deal with radiation) of what, if anything, Doomsayers think of them.

> > >Cleanser-shamans are...sorta good, as they try to transfer
> > pollution from the real world to the spirit world (where toxic spirits
>there feed
> > on it).  Corruptor shamans (sorta evil) try to pollute the real world
> > more However, the two groups are not directly opposed to each other
> > according to the book (which strikes me as a little odd, but oh
> > >Apparently one group is okay with the other reversing all the
> > progress it's made. *scratches head*
>Corrupter Shamans are evil in that "Captain Planet" sort  of way.  The
>things they do make the world a worse place, even if it is already 4/5 of
>the way to Toxic Hell as it is.
>And I don't know what book Steve's been reading, but the Cleansers and
>Corruptors HATE each other.  The same spirits help both of them, but the
>two groups are diametrically opposed.  Read the archetype descriptions
>and the section on Corruptors to see how true this is...

The archetype descriptions don't even mention the corrupters, and with the 
exception of the Sludge Shaman it seems like the archetypes could _be_ 
corrupters (no mention is made that they hate Cleansers, either).

See pg. 24 for the section I was referring to.  Although it's narrative, and 
mildly confusing narrative at that, Muddy Waters claims to have met two 
separate corrupters (he's a cleanser), is informed of the techniques they 
use, and says, "How do I know this? They told me. It's not like we wear team 
uniforms or anything. I met them, we shared some spook juice and a few 
stories, and then I moved on."

This seems like odd behavior between members of two groups that are 
diametrically opposed!  Now maybe they're trying to imply that the 
corrupters didn't know that Muddy Waters was a cleanser.  Even if they 
didn't, why would _he_ settle for letting these folks head on out when he 
knows they're his diametric opposites?

But...like I said, this bit of narrative doesn't seem to make a lot of 
sense. It can be interpreted anyway you like, but it seems hard to read this 
and then come away with the impression that they BATE each other.  :)


Steve Crow

"Worm Can Opener Extraordinare"

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