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Re: [HOE] Doomsayers and pollution

>>*shrug* It seems that until the Lost Vegas sourcebook comes out, the Cult
>>of Doom will continue to get short shrift.  Unless I missed something, it
>>seems to be all-Combine, all the time, as far as what the major threat is,
>>mentions of it in the back-of-the-book section, etc.  Hopefully at some
>>point Silas is going to bust a move a bit stronger then sending out
>>missionaries. Children of the Atom certainly implies he's got big plans,
>>but the Combine menace seems to have usurped any importance he has in
>>Pinnacle's meta-campaign.
>While I do agree that probably Silas should get more 'air time' in the
>books, I do think that he is the smaller of the two threat, and by quite a
>long shot. I'm probably forgetting some group, but here's what strikes me
>as the three most dangerous groups in HOE, barring the reckoners
>themselves. There's spoiler space because one of them's a secret.

I would agree with the reasons you presented for why the Cult of Doom are a 
more effective one-on-one nemesis.  It just strikes me that they've vanished 
off the radar even in Marshal-type material so completely.  There is a 
definite sense that the Combine is gearing up for something.  And through 
various hints it seems like the first group you mentioned is also "gearing 
up" for a big move.

By comparison, the Cult seems to be playing status quo since the various 
fairly impressive "future plans" mentioned in Children of the Atom.  Doesn't 
help that the Combine get a cool master-plan type adventure like Boise 
Horror, while the Cult (sort of) gets "Something About A Sword...".

I just hope Pinnacle doesn't continue to forget da Cult.  The (promised) 
Lost Vegas sourcebook will hopefully change that, but I wouldn't mind seeing 
a bit more mention of there current plans in products between now and then.


Steve Crow

"Worm Can Opener Extraordinare"

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