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Re: [HOE] A question on the Harrowed Relic power

> > Just a quick question.  What's everybody's opinion on how many levels in
> >  Relic a Harrowed would need so that his SA Handgun never needs to be
> > reloaded?
> >
> > That's pretty powerful- I'd say level 4 AT THE VERY LEAST, and this is
> > assuming you're a VERY merciful Marshal.  Remember, this is HoE- ammo is
> > supposed to be scarce.  Personally, I'd call it a level 5.  Endless ammo in
> > HoE is just too unbalancing otherwise.
>I'd call it level 4, and make it similar to the dark
>rider's pistols in Deadlands - d4 actions and it's
>good to go again.
>Otherwise it's insane in HoE.
>Make sure the cylinder won't open, though.  Otherwise
>he can just drop infinite bullets out to pass round.

Or the bullets don't appear until he fires. That way he can't pop the 
bullets out.

Marshall Paddy