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Re: [HOE] Syker power interference from helmets

Well, this is getting off topic but I didn't meanthat
there is anything wrong with House rules; the fact
that you wrote them down puts you ahead of the pack of
guys who just can't hack making good judgement calls
on the fly.  For the most part I wasn't referring to
any rules idiosynchrisy (that's one messed up word!);
I meant when a Marshal is WRONG about what otherwise
might be common sense; just because his ego gets in
the way.

--- Allan Seyberth <darious@darious.com> wrote:
> At 8/25/2000 02:13 PM -0700, you wrote:
>  >Nope. I have to disagree with you there; I've
> proven
>  >the Marshal to be incorrect many times, under a
> couple
>  >different marshals.  There is a big difference
> between
>  >being right and being in charge.
> For a CCG maybe. . .
> For a RPG the marshal - the person who is in charge
> of bringing the world 
> together - is always right.  Even down to if the
> Marshal is willing to be 
> talked out of a ruling by a player.
> For my Deadlands games I have four pages of house
> rules - ways that I 
> prefer to run the rules of the game that are
> different from the published 
> rules.
> -------------------
> Allan Seyberth
> darious@darious.com
> Deadlands fan site -
> http://www.darious.com/deadlands/index.html
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> The White Rabbit:
> It was late!
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