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Re: [HOE] Pricing...

i would suggest that such hi tech and expensive equipment such as this would
be unavailable to most posse's at the beginning of play ie using belongin'
points but rather either have a junker build one during play at considerable
time and expense or include it as a big "prize" after completing a quest (or
even series of quests) of some kind...just my humble opinion of course

Marshal Of Oz

----- Original Message -----
From: Yog-Sothoth <yog_sothoth_the_outer_god@yahoo.com>
To: <hoe@gamerz.net>
Sent: Monday, August 28, 2000 10:55 AM
Subject: [HOE] Pricing...

> Hello, all...first-time-posting...
> Um...in your valued and esteemed opinions, what do you
> think a link to ComSat and the necessary broadcasting
> hardware would cost?  Mobile broadcasting
> hardware-like the kind you could load up into the back
> of a van.  I mean in belongin's points...I'd
> appreciate the comments...thanks to you all!
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