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Re: [HOE] Biodome

>Now my point is this.  Authors of adventures MUST think of a better way to
>advance the plot than beating a posse up until they surrender.  This HAS to
>be the cheapest trick in the arsenal.  Any posse with cojones is going to
>fight until they're blue in the face, because once they've given up their
>weapons, what choice do they really have???  I mean do they want to
>encourage posses to bitch out?  We could have fought our way out of there,
>but the Marshall wouldn't let us because the adventure is simply written 
>a posse that will surrender.  It just seems a lazy way to progress an
>adventure to me, and our posse got their behinds kicked in a place they had
>no reason to be, in a situation where the only choice was to surrender.  In
>a word: LAME.
>Any thoughts on this one?

Didn't Mr. Kyle say something got changed in this part of the adventure? I'm 
not sure. I also know that he and various other people have mentioned 
(repeatedly) that the Biodome "adventure" was really a small part of a much 
larger whole.

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