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[HOE] ARGH! I missed that. (Goff)

----- Original Message ----- >
> Date: Tue, 05 Sep 2000 23:13:07 CDT
> From: ratqueen13@hotmail.com
> Subject: Re: [HOE] Re: Built-in Browser Spirits vs. AIs

Hello everyone. I'm back from out of town. I have a *lot* of mail to get
through, so bear with my late responses to some of this...

> > Travis lide" <sinisterdexter@mindspring.com> wrote:
> >No, it says "All Familiars desire bodies of  Frame size 4. If there is
> >left after installing the required powers, other powers may be added to
> >body." I think the Frame Size 4 is there to prevent someone from doing
> >you're trying. A friend of mine wanted to build a Gorilla Familiar he
> >ride on (think the Hulk as of Earth X, or whatever). I wouldn't let him
> >this same reason.


> Do you have the Cyborg book?  In the Gremlins section, it corrects the
> Junkman Cometh.  Familiars have a Frame size 2.  They don't need Agility,
> but they do need Sensors to see and Locomotion or VTOL to move.

Grr... Yeah, I have the book, but I must have missed that. Okay, I have a
request that may or may not have come up before. Is it possible to have all
the HoE and Weird West errata Gremlins stuff put into an edition of the
epitaph? Not necessarily the same issue, but one with HoE and one with the
WW? I know it may not be fascinating reading for everyone, but 1 - not
everyone has access to this list or Allan's Accumulated Rulings, and 2 - I
for one would like to have everything at my fingertips. When I think,
"Gee... that doesn't seem right." I'd like to be able to look on one list
instead of grabbing 10 (or more!) books and checking.

I know that this just opens up the possibility for another mistake in that
form (and people *will* complain about having "previously printed material"
show up, but not everyone wants/can afford every book for these lines and
this is important material, IMNSHO.

Any thoughts from PEG or anyone else? Sorry if this has come up before! Or
is there a list that already exists and I'm not aware of (or may have

Sinister Dexter