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Re: [HOE] Re: Combined Format

> Hm, being one of those types who likes all of the Deadlands games, I don't
> mind what they're suggesting at all, though I can see Weird West-only fans
> disliking it. Oh well. If Pinnacle prints the books, I'll do my best to
> them. : }

    Personally, I'm a bit dissapointed.  I've really been looking forward to
more HOE books, and now I have to share space with a lot of material for
which I don't have any use.  I do play Deadlands, but I don't need to get
the books, because my Marshal does that, and vice-versa for the HOE books I
buy for my campaign.  I don't really have any plans to start up a Lost
Colony campaign, either.  I'm looking forward to the Denver sourcebook, but
I'm really going to have to take a long look at these new books before I
decide if I'm going to continue buying the products.  Realistically, with
all the sourcebooks I already have, I don't really need much more to run my