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[HOE] The Librarian's Almanac for October 2nd

BROWNSVILLE REFUGE, TEXAS- The Brownsville Reclamation Crew returns to the
refuge town with a stunning pronouncement. Beneath the ruins and Ghost
Storms of the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex, the crew claims to have
discovered the mythical Warehouse 23. Often thought to have been an urban
legend, the Warehouse was rumored to have been the storage area for the
items that the Texas Rangers considered to be too dangerous to be in public
hands. Tales would often circulate about Pancho Villa's frozen head, Billy
the Kid's six-guns, Houdini's favorite cuffs, the mysterious Rainmaker's
basin, the complete list of the colonel's secret herbs and spices and the
scalpel of Jack the Ripper, all locked away forever from the light of day.
The scavvies are full of stories of half-collapsed tunnels big enough to
drive a tractor-trailer through, row after row of steel doors sealed with
old touch pad locks, and rooms full of darkened windows that look into
shadowy operating chambers. There was apparently no power in the complex and
none of the doors could be opened by any means. The crew is offering a full
share of the haul to anyone who joins up to help them claim this mother load
of goods. Brownsville is exploding at the seams as wasters are crawling out
of the woodwork for a shot at the big prize. Local Law Dogs are having the
Devil's own time trying to keep things down to a dull roar.

CLINT, TEXAS- "Sticks" Leibowitz, a former Hockey player turned Templar logs
a report of another sighting of the skeletal motorcyclist. "Sticks" was
present when the bony biker made a few passes around the village in the
ruins of Midland in the Texas panhandle. The biker sports ragged leather
clothing and rides a dirty, monstrous bike of unknown make. After a few
unnerving minutes, the strange entity vanished back into the night.
Leibowitz thinks that the biker is a conjured demon of some sort.