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Re: [HOE] Message for B.D. Flory and/or PEGINC

|  >I don't know whether the abomination* occurred on your system or
|  >PEG's, except that I don't see it happening on any of their other
|  >pages.
| Looks good to me - it's in html format anyway.  Admittedly, it the
| bloatcode that Word 2000 uses when you do a straight .doc to .html dump, 
| but it's in html.

Looks fine to me, too, now that I've checked it.  Though I can't agree with
adding a double space after *every* paragraph! ;)

B. D. Flory

"There are four types of homicide: felonious, culpable, justifiable, and
                                                   -Oscar Wilde