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Re: [HOE] Re: Time-travelers

> > > Spoilers for Bob Fletcher (don't even think about it Bob!)
> > > -
> > > -
> > > -
> > > -
> > > -
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> > >
> The bomb would have to be set for much later than 1877, I agree. Hellstromme
> has to be thrown out of Deseret and establish Denver first for Throckmorton
> to have even sent someone back, right?
> Assuming Throckmorton knows about the radiation dampeners, I think setting
> the bomb to go off when the first one activates is the best thing to do.
> Although if that's the plan, it makes you wonder why he sent someone to 1877
> to do this. I guess you could use the "Path of Stone" idea - that time
> travel only works in certain increments and it had to be 1877 or nothing.

Well in the theory I stole they describe time like a coiled tube. To
actually move up or down through time is next to impossible (likened to
paddling up a raging river). However it is possible to jump across loops
to other points in time, but you can only do it in certain increments. So
it is kinda the Stone thing.

 Theo McGuckin
	"Powerful like a Gorilla, yet soft and yielding like a Nerfball"